Arthur Auttelet (1919-1979) *59
This memorial website was created in memory of Arthur Auttelet, 59, born on September 22, 1919 and passed away on June 0, 1979.
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Attention: Death verified by Social security index. - Accuracy of the file
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This page was created on 2015-12-31T00:00:00
Last changed on 2020-12-24T04:42:00
Created by: Martin Dano and maintained by: Sysoon.
Data collected by GINN / Akropola s.r.o.
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This is my Father. He was born 09/19/1919 and he died 06/24/1979. He was 59 yrs.old and died from lung cancer. He had quit smoking 3 yrs. before he developed it.
He served our great Country for 30 years in the United States Air Force and retired as a Chief Master Sargent. He truly loved what he did.
He was married to my Mother, Rita Marie Dupras Auttelet for 35 yrs. until she died on 07/05/1976. They were married on 04/13/1941. They had 4 daughters together: Judith Ann, Cynthia Marie, Cathy Ann and Michelle Lee.
As of today, 12/26/2013, 34 years after his death, most of the memories I have of my Father make me smile. I am proud to be his daughter.