Baldomero Avila
The grave site / plot 74988331 of

Baldomero Avila (1918-1987) *69

This memorial website was created in memory of Baldomero Avila, 69, born on September 15, 1918 and passed away on November 22, 1987.

Death record, obituary, funeral notice and information about the deceased person.

Vital records:


Baldomero Avila Born and raised in Acapulco, Guerrero to a loving and creative middle class family; some relatives are famous Mexican actors and singers, such as comeedian and actress Patricia Martinez. At a young age, Baldo decided to try his odds in the United States. He first worked as a 'bracero' (farm worker) in the Southwest, and soon, worked his way up. He became a US Citizen, and ran his own business. California was his second home, and his life long friends (compadres) became his second family. In his 20s, he lost his wife in an accident, but decades later, while on vacation in West Texas, he met Maria Gloria. She was on college break at the time. She was 22 and he was 47. They fell in love at first sight; they were engaged within three months of dating; and married within a year of first meeting. The two wed in California and had three beautiful girls - Gloria, Paula, and Tatiana. Also, he had a beautiful daughter from his previous marriage - Marie. The family loved get-togethers with friends (their home was the spot to be on the weekends); and they lovingly helped in the community, as well as volunteer to help farming families in the area with food and supplies. The couple were just shy of their 20-year wedding anniversary when Baldo suddenly died of a heart attack in November 22, 1987. Just a few days before Thanksgiving. He left behind his wife, Maria Gloria, 43, and daughters - Marie, 30, Gloria, 16, Paula, 15, and Tatiana, 3. The family later moved to West Texas where the couple first met.


Date of Birth:
Day of Birth:
Time of Birth:
Zodiac / Star Sign:
Place of birth:
Birth Anniversary:
Time since birth: 
38866 days = 107 years


Date of Death:
Day of Death:
Time of death:
Died at Age:
69 years
Place of death:
Death Anniversary:
Days of Life:
25270 days = 69 years
Time since death: 
13596 days = 38 years

Family and Relatives


More informations

not set
Method of burial:
Race amd Ethnicity:
Cause of death:
Property and rights:
Last Will:
Heirs and inheritance:
Personal and work life:
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This page was created on 2015-12-31T00:00:00

Last changed on 2021-01-01T13:11:00

Created by: and maintained by: Sysoon.

Data collected by GINN o.z..

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Tatiana Judith Language: English Report abuse

Thank you to whomever created this page for my father. I don't have many memories of him because he died when I was very young, so it's very nice that there is something here for him that I can look back and reflect.


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