Christian Rogelio Benítez Betancourt (1986-2013) *27
This memorial website was created in memory of Christian Rogelio Benítez Betancourt, 27, born on May 1, 1986 and passed away on July 29, 2013.
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Christian Rogelio Benítez Betancourt Christian Rogelio Benítez Betancourt also known as Chucho, was an Ecuadorian footballer who played as a forward for El Jaish of the Qatar Stars Leaguue at the time of his death. He began his career with El Nacional in Ecuador and then joined Santos Laguna, with whom he won the award for Best Player of the Clausura 2008. He spent the 2009–10 season on loan to Premier League club Birmingham City. Benitez played 58 times for the Ecuador national football team from his debut in 2005, scoring 24 goals. Following his death, the Ecuadorian Football Federation has retired Chucho's jersey number 11 from the national team.
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Attention: Death verified by Social security index. - Accuracy of the file
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This page was created on 2015-12-31T00:00:00
Last changed on 2021-01-15T02:22:00
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