Vital records:
Featured Memorials
Every Memorial Website celebrates the legacy of a life. Many people choose to share their Memorial Websites in Sysoon’s Featured Memorial Website Program.
- Memorial57287165/deceased/effie-parker-79
Effie Parker, 89 years, (1899 - 1988)
- Memorial54373784/deceased/margie-a-varnell-37
Margie A Varnell, 80 years, (1926 - 2006)
- Memorial80224789/deceased/doris-l-neblett-237
Doris L Neblett, 67 years, (1920 - 1987)
- Memorial6280264/deceased/lyle-c-wilson-35
Lyle C Wilson, 75 years, (1915 - 1990)
- Memorial45825372/deceased/dorothy-g-yost-37
Dorothy G Yost, 83 years, (1906 - 1990)
- Memorial36913416/deceased/william-helter-36
William Helter, 61 years, (1909 - 1971)
- Memorial55748515/deceased/mattie-brooks-148
Mattie Brooks, 86 years, (1893 - 1980)
- Memorial51312239/deceased/reagor-p-hearn-37
Reagor P Hearn, 87 years, (1910 - 1997)
- Memorial68408787/deceased/mary-worth-245
Mary Worth, 62 years, (1906 - 1968)
- Memorial1135743/deceased/francis-w-noonan-35
Francis W Noonan, 83 years, (1908 - 1992)
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