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Comments and discussion

Loretta Johnson Language: English Report abuse

Murdered, not ever solved.

Am Gr Language: English Report abuse

Get my family off your bullshit fake page beforr we sue your sorry asses!!!

Am Gr Language: English Report abuse

Get my family off your bullshit fake page beforr we sue your sorry asses!!!

Am Gr Language: English Report abuse

Get my family off your bullshit fake page beforr we sue your sorry asses!!!

Am Gr Language: English Report abuse

Get my family off your bullshit fake page beforr we sue your sorry asses!!!

Am Gr Language: English Report abuse

Get my family off your bullshit fake page beforr we sue your sorry asses!!!

Emirclaudia Hodges Language: English Report abuse

Gotta love this Young Russian Geek he's smarter than the feds have in their office. Anything internet related web design and he's on it. Sand Alov 😎

Daniel Deavilan Language: English Report abuse

Mariette is and always will be my sweet and dear mother, who brought me, daniel and my sister marie and brother robert, (who has also passed on to heaven), into this earth. i do not understand anything about this human life of ours, or why we suffer with the pain of loss of our fellow human beings, especially our mother, brother, father? the suffering of humanity is no joke, the suffering of my own family members is never to be understood by me? my spouse, debra brown, is a tough and no non-sense woman, who has a very difficult time showing her love to me, so living with her as a husband is very difficult, i mean, come on, debra, won't even take my last name in marriage, wow!! that is very abnormal oh well!!

Daniel Deavilan Language: English Report abuse

Mariette is and always will be my sweet and dear mother, who brought me, daniel and my sister marie and brother robert, (who has also passed on to heaven), into this earth. i do not understand anything about this human life of ours, or why we suffer with the pain of loss of our fellow human beings, especially our mother, brother, father? the suffering of humanity is no joke, the suffering of my own family members is never to be understood by me? my spouse, debra brown, is a tough and no non-sense woman, who has a very difficult time showing her love to me, so living with her as a husband is very difficult, i mean, come on, debra, won't even take my last name in marriage, wow!! that is very abnormal oh well!!

Daniel Deavilan Language: English Report abuse

Mariette is and always will be my sweet and dear mother, who brought me, daniel and my sister marie and brother robert, (who has also passed on to heaven), into this earth. i do not understand anything about this human life of ours, or why we suffer with the pain of loss of our fellow human beings, especially our mother, brother, father? the suffering of humanity is no joke, the suffering of my own family members is never to be understood by me? my spouse, debra brown, is a tough and no non-sense woman, who has a very difficult time showing her love to me, so living with her as a husband is very difficult, i mean, come on, debra, won't even take my last name in marriage, wow!! that is very abnormal oh well!!


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