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Comments and discussion

Loretta Johnson Language: English Report abuse

Murdered, not ever solved.

Emirclaudia Hodges Language: English Report abuse

Gotta love this Young Russian Geek he's smarter than the feds have in their office. Anything internet related web design and he's on it. Sand Alov 😎

Daniel Deavilan Language: English Report abuse

Mariette is and always will be my sweet and dear mother, who brought me, daniel and my sister marie and brother robert, (who has also passed on to heaven), into this earth. i do not understand anything about this human life of ours, or why we suffer with the pain of loss of our fellow human beings, especially our mother, brother, father? the suffering of humanity is no joke, the suffering of my own family members is never to be understood by me? my spouse, debra brown, is a tough and no non-sense woman, who has a very difficult time showing her love to me, so living with her as a husband is very difficult, i mean, come on, debra, won't even take my last name in marriage, wow!! that is very abnormal oh well!!

Daniel Deavilan Language: English Report abuse

Mariette is and always will be my sweet and dear mother, who brought me, daniel and my sister marie and brother robert, (who has also passed on to heaven), into this earth. i do not understand anything about this human life of ours, or why we suffer with the pain of loss of our fellow human beings, especially our mother, brother, father? the suffering of humanity is no joke, the suffering of my own family members is never to be understood by me? my spouse, debra brown, is a tough and no non-sense woman, who has a very difficult time showing her love to me, so living with her as a husband is very difficult, i mean, come on, debra, won't even take my last name in marriage, wow!! that is very abnormal oh well!!

Daniel Deavilan Language: English Report abuse

Mariette is and always will be my sweet and dear mother, who brought me, daniel and my sister marie and brother robert, (who has also passed on to heaven), into this earth. i do not understand anything about this human life of ours, or why we suffer with the pain of loss of our fellow human beings, especially our mother, brother, father? the suffering of humanity is no joke, the suffering of my own family members is never to be understood by me? my spouse, debra brown, is a tough and no non-sense woman, who has a very difficult time showing her love to me, so living with her as a husband is very difficult, i mean, come on, debra, won't even take my last name in marriage, wow!! that is very abnormal oh well!!

Daniel Deavilan Language: English Report abuse

Mariette is and always will be my sweet and dear mother, who brought me, daniel and my sister marie and brother robert, (who has also passed on to heaven), into this earth. i do not understand anything about this human life of ours, or why we suffer with the pain of loss of our fellow human beings, especially our mother, brother, father? the suffering of humanity is no joke, the suffering of my own family members is never to be understood by me? my spouse, debra brown, is a tough and no non-sense woman, who has a very difficult time showing her love to me, so living with her as a husband is very difficult, i mean, come on, debra, won't even take my last name in marriage, wow!! that is very abnormal oh well!!

Jodie Mosley Language: English Report abuse

I saw. Your heartbrkg story justice may all of the great good works deeds things u have done spk fr u always 🙏🏿🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️

Sha05_27@Yahoo.Com Language: English Report abuse

I ask that you please fix Stella J. McDannald. This is what is wrote. If you could please fix the part "He" will always be remembered to "she" please. This was my grandmother. Thank you very much and many blessings.

Deceased >



Stella J McDannald (1928-2004) *76Plot s/n: 42946733. The grave site of Stella J McDannald. Death record, obituary, funeral notice and information about the deceased person. [en]

Vital records:Stella J McDannald at +Archives

+ Follow





Birth date: 24 March, 1928, Saturday

Lived: 27936 days = 76 years

Death date: 17 September, 2004, Friday

This memorial website was created in memory of Stella J McDannald, 76, born on March 24, 1928 and passed away on September 17, 2004. We will remember him forever.

Created by: @Martin Dano

Maintained by: Sysoon.

Data collected by Graphtec s. r. o.

We're very sorry for your loss!


Search Stella J McDannald at Archives

Birth of Stella J McDannaldDate of Birth: March 24, 1928Day of Birth: SaturdayBirth Anniversary: in 68 daysTime since birth: 34265 days = 94 years

Death of Stella J McDannaldDate of Death: September 17, 2004Died at Age: 76 yearsDay of Death: FridayDeath Anniversary: in 245 daysTime since death: 6329 days = 18 years

More informationsDays of The Life: 27936 daysZodiac / Star Sign: Aries (aries)SSN: ***-**-250 About SSNLived at: Zip: 61614, United States (us)Cause of death:Spouse:Siblings:Childrens:Parents:Quotes:

Biography and Life edit

Write a brief biography of the deceased and present it to the world. This can be a wonderful, heartwarming experience for all.

Name analysis and searchFind more deceased:

Stella J McDannald - Stella - McDannald

Analyze the name:

Stella - McDannald -

Important questions:Where Stella J McDannald is buried?Find the grave of Stella J McDannaldLocate the grave of Stella J McDannald. How Stella J McDannald died?How to find family and friends of Stella J McDannald?How to Support a Grieving Family Member or FriendWhat can I do for Stella J McDannald?Funeral of Stella J McDannaldFind relatives that had become lost over the years and decades. How famous was Stella J McDannald?

We are currently preparing a system for publishing answers. We look forward to your early visit.

Text: StellaJMcDannald, 336222500

Join a discussion and talk to others in the Sysoon community.

Funeral of Stella J McDannald

A memorial service for Stella J McDannald. Information about the funeral process. [42946733-en]

We are preparing more information.

A funeral is a ceremony for celebrating, respecting, sanctifying, or remembering the life of a person who has died. [more about funeral]

Final resting place of Stella J McDannaldThe location will come soon.

Find a cemetery

Public records of Stella J McDannaldFind birth, death, cemetery, marriage, divorce and historic vital records of Stella J McDannald

Stella J McDannald at Archives. com. What is Archives

Military records of Stella J McDannald at Fold3. com. What is Fold3


Address and location of Stella J McDannald which have been published. Click on the address to view a map.

Place / address (1)

Stella J McDannald has records at: 61614, United States.

View the latest documents, pictures, photos and images of or upload the files of your loved one.

Note: Do you have a family photo of Stella J McDannald? Consider uploading your photo of Stella J McDannald so that your pictures are included in Stella J McDannald's genealogy, family trees & family history records. Sysoon enables anyone to create a free online tribute for a much loved relative or friend who has passed away.

Attention: Death verified by Social security index. - Accuracy of the file

Hashtag: #sysoon42946733, #memorial42946733, grave42946733, #death, #funeral, #findagrave, #burial, #obituary

Featured Memorials

Every Memorial Website celebrates the legacy of a life. Many people choose to share their Memorial Websites in Sysoon’s Featured Memorial Website Program.

Grave of Asher D Hartel (1917 - 2003)Grave of Richard Coogan (1914 - 2014)Grave of Phillip Joel Hughes (1988 - 2014)Grave of Ernst Bolldén (1966 - 2012)Grave of Sherab Palden Beru (1911 - 2012)Grave of Yvonne Joyce Craig (1937 - 2015)Grave of Alex Decroce (1936 - 2012)Grave of Henri-Germain Delauze (1929 - 2012)Grave of Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Didymus I (1921 - 2014)Grave of Cecilia Bizzotto Pinto (1980 - 2012)Grave of Sedapatti Suryanarayana Devar Rajendran (0 - 2014)Grave of Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov (1917 - 2014)Grave of Juan Carlos Pérez López (1945 - 2012)

Find a graveWish you knew where Richard Nixon was buried? How about your great-grandfather?

Sysoon is a free resource for finding the final resting places of famous folks, friends and family members. With millions of names, it's an invaluable tool for genealogists and history buffs. Sysoon memorials are rich with content, including dates, photos and bios. You can even leave 'virtual flowers' on the memorials you visit to complete the online cemetery experience. Sysoon also contains listings for thousands of celebrity graves, making it the premier online destination for tombstone tourists.

You can become a member, create a memorial, submit data, add flowers, add photos and search our database at no charge.

Tags: gravesite, grave, cemetery, crematorium, funeral, genealogy, memorial, burial place, flowers, urn, cremation, remains, funeral, family tree, candles, sympathy gift, photo album, tombstone, headstone, death, dead people, past, find a grave, cemetery location, locate a grave, grave locator, missing, missing people, missing persons, wanted, most wanted, lost people, dead parents, dead childrens, brother, daughter, ancestry,

Install Alexa ToolbarSysoon InternationalFind a graveAbout UsMake Money with UsPrivacyLegalAdvertiseSupport UsFollow UsAwardsDevelopersCareersSysoon sro © 2020Contact UsFeedbackHelp / FAQBeta v. 5Covid19 / Sars-CoV-2

Sysoon is the Free Encyclopedia of Death, Dying and FuneralsCemeteries and Grave LocatorOur data are available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

Sha05_27@Yahoo.Com Language: English Report abuse

I ask that you please fix Stella J. McDannald. This is what is wrote. If you could please fix the part "He" will always be remembered to "she" please. This was my grandmother. Thank you very much and many blessings.

Deceased >



Stella J McDannald (1928-2004) *76Plot s/n: 42946733. The grave site of Stella J McDannald. Death record, obituary, funeral notice and information about the deceased person. [en]

Vital records:Stella J McDannald at +Archives

+ Follow





Birth date: 24 March, 1928, Saturday

Lived: 27936 days = 76 years

Death date: 17 September, 2004, Friday

This memorial website was created in memory of Stella J McDannald, 76, born on March 24, 1928 and passed away on September 17, 2004. We will remember him forever.

Created by: @Martin Dano

Maintained by: Sysoon.

Data collected by Graphtec s. r. o.

We're very sorry for your loss!


Search Stella J McDannald at Archives

Birth of Stella J McDannaldDate of Birth: March 24, 1928Day of Birth: SaturdayBirth Anniversary: in 68 daysTime since birth: 34265 days = 94 years

Death of Stella J McDannaldDate of Death: September 17, 2004Died at Age: 76 yearsDay of Death: FridayDeath Anniversary: in 245 daysTime since death: 6329 days = 18 years

More informationsDays of The Life: 27936 daysZodiac / Star Sign: Aries (aries)SSN: ***-**-250 About SSNLived at: Zip: 61614, United States (us)Cause of death:Spouse:Siblings:Childrens:Parents:Quotes:

Biography and Life edit

Write a brief biography of the deceased and present it to the world. This can be a wonderful, heartwarming experience for all.

Name analysis and searchFind more deceased:

Stella J McDannald - Stella - McDannald

Analyze the name:

Stella - McDannald -

Important questions:Where Stella J McDannald is buried?Find the grave of Stella J McDannaldLocate the grave of Stella J McDannald. How Stella J McDannald died?How to find family and friends of Stella J McDannald?How to Support a Grieving Family Member or FriendWhat can I do for Stella J McDannald?Funeral of Stella J McDannaldFind relatives that had become lost over the years and decades. How famous was Stella J McDannald?

We are currently preparing a system for publishing answers. We look forward to your early visit.

Text: StellaJMcDannald, 336222500

Join a discussion and talk to others in the Sysoon community.

Funeral of Stella J McDannald

A memorial service for Stella J McDannald. Information about the funeral process. [42946733-en]

We are preparing more information.

A funeral is a ceremony for celebrating, respecting, sanctifying, or remembering the life of a person who has died. [more about funeral]

Final resting place of Stella J McDannaldThe location will come soon.

Find a cemetery

Public records of Stella J McDannaldFind birth, death, cemetery, marriage, divorce and historic vital records of Stella J McDannald

Stella J McDannald at Archives. com. What is Archives

Military records of Stella J McDannald at Fold3. com. What is Fold3


Address and location of Stella J McDannald which have been published. Click on the address to view a map.

Place / address (1)

Stella J McDannald has records at: 61614, United States.

View the latest documents, pictures, photos and images of or upload the files of your loved one.

Note: Do you have a family photo of Stella J McDannald? Consider uploading your photo of Stella J McDannald so that your pictures are included in Stella J McDannald's genealogy, family trees & family history records. Sysoon enables anyone to create a free online tribute for a much loved relative or friend who has passed away.

Attention: Death verified by Social security index. - Accuracy of the file

Hashtag: #sysoon42946733, #memorial42946733, grave42946733, #death, #funeral, #findagrave, #burial, #obituary

Featured Memorials

Every Memorial Website celebrates the legacy of a life. Many people choose to share their Memorial Websites in Sysoon’s Featured Memorial Website Program.

Grave of Asher D Hartel (1917 - 2003)Grave of Richard Coogan (1914 - 2014)Grave of Phillip Joel Hughes (1988 - 2014)Grave of Ernst Bolldén (1966 - 2012)Grave of Sherab Palden Beru (1911 - 2012)Grave of Yvonne Joyce Craig (1937 - 2015)Grave of Alex Decroce (1936 - 2012)Grave of Henri-Germain Delauze (1929 - 2012)Grave of Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Didymus I (1921 - 2014)Grave of Cecilia Bizzotto Pinto (1980 - 2012)Grave of Sedapatti Suryanarayana Devar Rajendran (0 - 2014)Grave of Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov (1917 - 2014)Grave of Juan Carlos Pérez López (1945 - 2012)

Find a graveWish you knew where Richard Nixon was buried? How about your great-grandfather?

Sysoon is a free resource for finding the final resting places of famous folks, friends and family members. With millions of names, it's an invaluable tool for genealogists and history buffs. Sysoon memorials are rich with content, including dates, photos and bios. You can even leave 'virtual flowers' on the memorials you visit to complete the online cemetery experience. Sysoon also contains listings for thousands of celebrity graves, making it the premier online destination for tombstone tourists.

You can become a member, create a memorial, submit data, add flowers, add photos and search our database at no charge.

Tags: gravesite, grave, cemetery, crematorium, funeral, genealogy, memorial, burial place, flowers, urn, cremation, remains, funeral, family tree, candles, sympathy gift, photo album, tombstone, headstone, death, dead people, past, find a grave, cemetery location, locate a grave, grave locator, missing, missing people, missing persons, wanted, most wanted, lost people, dead parents, dead childrens, brother, daughter, ancestry,

Install Alexa ToolbarSysoon InternationalFind a graveAbout UsMake Money with UsPrivacyLegalAdvertiseSupport UsFollow UsAwardsDevelopersCareersSysoon sro © 2020Contact UsFeedbackHelp / FAQBeta v. 5Covid19 / Sars-CoV-2

Sysoon is the Free Encyclopedia of Death, Dying and FuneralsCemeteries and Grave LocatorOur data are available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

Sha05_27@Yahoo.Com Language: English Report abuse

I ask that you please fix Stella J. McDannald. This is what is wrote. If you could please fix the part "He" will always be remembered to "she" please. This was my grandmother. Thank you very much and many blessings.

Deceased >



Stella J McDannald (1928-2004) *76Plot s/n: 42946733.The grave site of Stella J McDannald. Death record, obituary, funeral notice and information about the deceased person. [en]

Vital records:Stella J McDannald at +Archives

+ Follow





Birth date: 24 March, 1928, Saturday

Lived: 27936 days = 76 years

Death date: 17 September, 2004, Friday

This memorial website was created in memory of Stella J McDannald, 76, born on March 24, 1928 and passed away on September 17, 2004. We will remember him forever.

Created by: @Martin Dano

Maintained by: Sysoon.

Data collected by Graphtec s.r.o.

We're very sorry for your loss!


Search Stella J McDannald at Archives

Birth of Stella J McDannaldDate of Birth: March 24, 1928Day of Birth: SaturdayBirth Anniversary: in 68 daysTime since birth: 34265 days = 94 years

Death of Stella J McDannaldDate of Death: September 17, 2004Died at Age: 76 yearsDay of Death: FridayDeath Anniversary: in 245 daysTime since death: 6329 days = 18 years

More informationsDays of The Life: 27936 daysZodiac / Star Sign: Aries (aries)SSN: ***-**-250 About SSNLived at: Zip: 61614, United States (us)Cause of death:Spouse:Siblings:Childrens:Parents:Quotes:

Biography and Life edit

Write a brief biography of the deceased and present it to the world. This can be a wonderful, heartwarming experience for all.

Name analysis and searchFind more deceased:

Stella J McDannald - Stella - McDannald

Analyze the name:

Stella - McDannald -

Important questions:Where Stella J McDannald is buried?Find the grave of Stella J McDannaldLocate the grave of Stella J McDannald.How Stella J McDannald died?How to find family and friends of Stella J McDannald?How to Support a Grieving Family Member or FriendWhat can I do for Stella J McDannald?Funeral of Stella J McDannaldFind relatives that had become lost over the years and decades.How famous was Stella J McDannald?

We are currently preparing a system for publishing answers. We look forward to your early visit.

Text: StellaJMcDannald, 336222500

Join a discussion and talk to others in the Sysoon community.

Funeral of Stella J McDannald

A memorial service for Stella J McDannald. Information about the funeral process. [42946733-en]

We are preparing more information.

A funeral is a ceremony for celebrating, respecting, sanctifying, or remembering the life of a person who has died. [more about funeral]

Final resting place of Stella J McDannaldThe location will come soon.

Find a cemetery

Public records of Stella J McDannaldFind birth, death, cemetery, marriage, divorce and historic vital records of Stella J McDannald

Stella J McDannald at What is Archives

Military records of Stella J McDannald at What is Fold3


Address and location of Stella J McDannald which have been published. Click on the address to view a map.

Place / address (1)

Stella J McDannald has records at: 61614, United States.

View the latest documents, pictures, photos and images of or upload the files of your loved one.

Note: Do you have a family photo of Stella J McDannald? Consider uploading your photo of Stella J McDannald so that your pictures are included in Stella J McDannald's genealogy, family trees & family history records. Sysoon enables anyone to create a free online tribute for a much loved relative or friend who has passed away.

Attention: Death verified by Social security index. - Accuracy of the file

Hashtag: #sysoon42946733, #memorial42946733, grave42946733, #death, #funeral, #findagrave, #burial, #obituary

Featured Memorials

Every Memorial Website celebrates the legacy of a life. Many people choose to share their Memorial Websites in Sysoon’s Featured Memorial Website Program.

Grave of Asher D Hartel (1917 - 2003)Grave of Richard Coogan (1914 - 2014)Grave of Phillip Joel Hughes (1988 - 2014)Grave of Ernst Bolldén (1966 - 2012)Grave of Sherab Palden Beru (1911 - 2012)Grave of Yvonne Joyce Craig (1937 - 2015)Grave of Alex Decroce (1936 - 2012)Grave of Henri-Germain Delauze (1929 - 2012)Grave of Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Didymus I (1921 - 2014)Grave of Cecilia Bizzotto Pinto (1980 - 2012)Grave of Sedapatti Suryanarayana Devar Rajendran (0 - 2014)Grave of Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov (1917 - 2014)Grave of Juan Carlos Pérez López (1945 - 2012)

Find a graveWish you knew where Richard Nixon was buried? How about your great-grandfather?

Sysoon is a free resource for finding the final resting places of famous folks, friends and family members. With millions of names, it's an invaluable tool for genealogists and history buffs. Sysoon memorials are rich with content, including dates, photos and bios. You can even leave 'virtual flowers' on the memorials you visit to complete the online cemetery experience. Sysoon also contains listings for thousands of celebrity graves, making it the premier online destination for tombstone tourists.

You can become a member, create a memorial, submit data, add flowers, add photos and search our database at no charge.

Tags: gravesite, grave, cemetery, crematorium, funeral, genealogy, memorial, burial place, flowers, urn, cremation, remains, funeral, family tree, candles, sympathy gift, photo album, tombstone, headstone, death, dead people, past, find a grave, cemetery location, locate a grave, grave locator, missing, missing people, missing persons, wanted, most wanted, lost people, dead parents, dead childrens, brother, daughter, ancestry,

Install Alexa ToolbarSysoon InternationalFind a graveAbout UsMake Money with UsPrivacyLegalAdvertiseSupport UsFollow UsAwardsDevelopersCareersSysoon sro © 2020Contact UsFeedbackHelp / FAQBeta v. 5Covid19 / Sars-CoV-2

Sysoon is the Free Encyclopedia of Death, Dying and FuneralsCemeteries and Grave LocatorOur data are available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.


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