Go Eun-Bi Go Eun-bi better known by her stage name, EunB, was a South Korean singer. She was a member of the South Korean girl group Ladies' Code, consisting off 5 members and was the sub-vocalist under Polaris Entertainment.
Date of Birth: | |
Day of Birth: | Monday |
Time of Birth: | unknown |
Zodiac / Star Sign: | Saggitarius |
Place of birth: | South Korea (kr) |
Birth Anniversary: | in 47 days |
Time since birth: | 11641 days = 32 years |
Date of Death: | |
Day of Death: | Wednesday |
Time of death: | unknown |
Died at Age: | 21 years |
Place of death: | South Korea (kr) |
Death Anniversary: | in 331 days |
Time since death: | 3687 days = 10 years |
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Sex: | female |
Cause of death: | |
Days of Life: | 7954 days = 21 years |
Time since death: | 3687 days = 10 years |
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Text: GoEun-Bi
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Attention: Death verified by Social security index. - Accuracy of the file
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Last changed on 2021-01-07T00:28:00
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