Joseph Albert Murphy Jr
Joseph Albert Murphy Jr is a member of Sysoon community since 2016-03-19. This is the public profile and detailed information about our member. 709176
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Commented url: /forum/i-am-son-of-linnie
linnie is son of Henry Clinton Murphy born 8-20-1865 monticelo drew co texas died 1945 in quanah hardamen county texas laura lee rogers was linnies mother burried in paris texas.
2016-03-19 04:39:00
Commented url: /contact
I am son of Linnie Murphy 1910-1982 he was wanted in 1957 in se mesa arizona for killing a police officer in our front yard. which can indeed be proven. his wife 2nd eyewitness was Ethel Lucile Bell I am 2nd son to this marriage
2016-03-19 04:25:00
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